Litter in the streets, parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, and trails benefits no one. Not only is it an eyesore, but it also creates pest infestation, irritates tax paying residents, hurts local business, and reduces tourism in your cities and towns.
Let us help your city or town keep its streets, parks, playgrounds, cemeteries and trails free of litter.
We can assist your municipal departments in keeping your cities and towns beautiful and litter free.

Our Municipal Turnkey Operation
Upon meeting with your municipal departments to determine your needs, we will provide the labor and supplies required to clean up litter in specific areas of your city or town as requested.
Benefits of Contracting with Roadsweep America
Let’s face it…litter is a growing problem in all cities and towns. All municipalities want to keep their cities and towns litter free, but sometimes municipal resources can’t keep up. When labor is in short supply and your staff is spread thin, contracting with us will help you keep your cities and towns beautiful and litter free.
We stand ready to support your litter cleanup needs, regardless of the project size. So, please consider us for a specific one-time job, or for any on-going cleanup needs. Our pricing can be based by the hour, by the bag, or we can provide a fixed price quote based on a specific project.

Contact Us
For more information, or to request a FREE quote, please contact us: 833-762-3797
Tourism is a four-season experience in New Hampshire; let’s ensure that our towns reflect our beautiful state.
Materials We Will Collect
*Any other materials you wish to dispose will be under negotiation.
Materials We Will Not Collect
*We will contact the state for advanced disposals on biohazards.