Frequently Asked Questions

Get to know what we do, then get in touch with us.

What are the biggest littering issues in the state?

Roadside litter is a growing problem in the state and is caused by both residents, tourists, visitors, and employers. These offenders can be classified as casual litters, habitual litters, those who dump larger quantities, bulky items and truck drivers who fail to secure their truck loads. 

Does Roadsweep America only cover highways?

We have two main areas of focus:

1) We contract with municipalities to assist with litter cleanup on their streets, and in their parks, cemeteries, playgrounds, and other municipal property.

2) We contract with private and public companies who wish to contract with Roadsweep America to clean up litter within a municipality, like roads leading to the city transfer station.

How often will Roadsweep America clear an area?

We work with municipalities and businesses on either a one-time cleanup project, or on a regular basis as needed.

Does Roadsweep America only cover New Hampshire?

At the present time we are focused on the state of New Hampshire.